Slow Living: A Call to Slow Down | podcast season 2 episode 2

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For season 2 of the Millennial Pioneer Podcast, we’re feeling the nudge to talk more about “slow living”. Maybe it’s the high levels of anxiety we’re experiencing as a culture, maybe it’s the onslaught of “cottage core” and homesteading romanticization… but there is something that is nudging us all to slow down, question the status quo of “climbing the corporate ladder” and writing our own definition of the pace we think we should be living life, instead of society doing so.

In this episode, we are defining our own ideal image of a slow lifestyle…and spoiler alert, it does not mean sitting around all day doing nothing. Join us as we write out a dream list, and discuss how you can navigate dreaming up your own version of “slow living”.

slow living

In this episode “The Call to Slow Living” you will learn:

  • What exactly is “slow living”
  • What does it mean to “live slow” and what does it NOT mean…
  • What Jen and Sammy are doing to slow things down in their own daily life
  • How you can create your own vision for your “slow lifestyle”

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Resources for this episode:

Connect with us:

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Sammy Davis website | email 

Cover Art by Amanda Leigh of A & A Photography

Music by FASSounds from Pixabay

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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