Day in the Life of: My Stay at Home Mom Schedule

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If you’ve ever wondered what the heck a stay at home mom schedule looks like, I’m here to make all your ponderings less of a mystery.

Let me begin by saying, this is an ideal schedule. I feel like we go by this schedule pretty well each day loosely (I thrive with a schedule), but whenever my husband is home the schedule goes out the window more than if I were here alone with the kids.

6:30am wake up to excited little humans who want to be fed.

6:45am wash my face and do my 5 minute skin routine

7am read books to kids and sip my mug of green tea. Lately, it’s been so cold in the house in the morning, so there is usually a fire or a heater involved somewhere.

7:30am breakfast time! (oatmeal, eggs and potatoes, eggs on toast, smoothies or paleo pancakes). There are most always some great tunes playing.

8-10am morning chores (clean kitchen, make beds, put laundry away) while kids play outside or in their room. I do try to get them involved in helping me as much as I can, too. If I let them know there will be something fun at the end of this time, they are far more likely to play or help me out.

10am snack and then get out of the house and do something (park, errands, etc)

12:00pm lunch (salads, PB and J with paleo pancakes for bread, leftovers)

12:30/1pm nap time| quiet time Now that I have three little ones, it happens so rarely that everyone is in their room napping at the same time. I do my best to make it happen, but try to accept that it won’t always work out that way. If ever possible, I will absolutely sneak a nap in while the kids nap.

1:30-2:30pm homeschool with Ben (he’s at Forest school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and does homeschool with me Monday, Thursday and Friday). He’s in kindergarten, so we focus on math and reading right now, and that’s about it!

3pm snack. If it were up to my children, snack would be all day, all the time.

3-4:30pm free time|more chores|play. At this point my son will usually ask to run down the dead end street and ask if our neighbor can come over and play. I will put one of my favorite podcasts on and finish up chores, and tidy up the house before dinner.

4:30pm start cooking dinner. For some reason this is one of my favorite times of the day. Sometimes I’ll just have the kids play, other times, like tonight, I’ll play them a Sparkle Story while I cook.

5pm dinner (light a candle and try these playlists for a peaceful dinner)

6-7pm bath, brush tea, pjs and books for kids.

7:30pm kids bedtime and my time to hop in the shower and stand under the hot water for longer than I should.

8-9pm hang out with Nick if he’s awake :-p My sweet husband typically falls asleep while laying down with our two oldest, so he usually doesn’t come out until almost 9 usually. But on occasion, we’ll sit and talk about our days together before I hop into my work.

9-10:30pm work on blog (Sunday night- Thursday night)

10:30/11pm Dane wakes up screaming, and it’s day over for me

The things that make my days go better are:

  • Working out. I try to get a workout in 3-4 times a week. Right now I’ve started doing more yoga, and for the first time in my life I’m really enjoying it!
  • Making a list. I usually look at my planner to figure out what needs to be done that day, and other than that I write the same 6 things on it every single day.
  • Avoiding coffee. This has changed my life! I still drink caffeine, but my mood is noticeably different in the morning without coffee.
  • Reducing screen time. It’s a time suck, it distracts the hell out of me, and I only find myself annoyed and comparing myself.

Read also: 8 Ways to Be A More Patient Mom

So there you have it, the stay at home mom schedule that keeps me and the little’s {mostly} sane and productive. What does your stay at home mom schedule look like?

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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