Menopause or Thyroid? Round Here Lately…

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With my 40th birthday being tomorrow, I’ve been thinking about aging a lot more than usual lately.

I honestly never got in my head about aging. I’ve been excited about it, to be honest. White hair is something I strongly look forward to. The artist spirit in me longs to wear bright colored glasses and have long white hair as I grow old…

But a couple of months ago I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling, spiraling about the idea of turning 40. The reason for that was not anything midlife related (even though I seriously have no idea what I’m doing with my life, most of the time—still),

…or worrying about wrinkles (I have a solid skincare routine that is helping me slow down the aging process naturally)…

As one of my sweet friends said to me, aging is a privilege, not everyone gets to do it… so well said, friend…

me and my sweetheart, with a couple of amazing birthday gifts from my love, Sammy!

But what was keeping me awake was about menopause. The two things, my age and menopause, somehow stayed contained to two separate buckets… until that moment.

I was struggling with some symptoms a couple of months ago that started to look a whole lot like the beginning stages of menopause, and it scared me.

I’ve been told by doctors that I would probably have a hard time with ‘the change” as my mother started her symptoms early due to thyroid issues… and I had already been told that I was border line hypothyroid after having Bennett.

Well since then, I have had 4 pregnancies, two of the miscarriages, and we have had major stressors like moving across the country and leaving everything we knew. So if I were a betting gal, I’d bet I’ve officially tipped over.

So, as I was dealing with symptoms that looked a whole lot like hot flashes and multiple periods in a month, I freaked out.

But thankfully, my mom has so much wisdom in hindsight and encouraged me to address my thyroid issues, and I found this book. Starting after all my birthday celebrations, I’m looking so forward to cleaning it all up and getting my health back on track (and all the more reason to clean up my personal care products as well!).

In all reality, besides a few aging details that surprise me in the mirror from time to time, or the silver sparkles in my hair- I don’t feel any different than I did when I was 16. But I do have a bit more wisdom about what really matters, that life is short and sweet, and that I am blessed beyond measure.

I’m grateful to have you in my life!



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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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Joann Nadeau
Joann Nadeau
1 year ago

You are simply amazing and I love you more than words can say💕💕 love your mom

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