Healthy Hot Butter Beer Recipe (for the Harry Potter Fans)

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Healthy hot butterbeer recipe. Paleo and Keto friendly, and dairy-free optional. This nourishing copycat recipe of Harry Potters butterbeer will not have you missing the “real thing”.

Don’t stone me… but I wouldn’t exactly consider myself a Harry Potter fan.

My husband has tried to get me to watch it a few times… and I fell asleep on them exactly 100% of the times I tried.

I just didn’t… get it.

But then my 7 year old wanted to read it.

To encourage him, we all listened to the audio book on a long road trip this past summer, and I told him that when he was finished reading it, we would have a grand movie showing. In the back of my mind I was planning the menu of chocolate frogs, Every Flavour Bean, and of course… butter beer.

Now I know that butter beer doesn’t officially show up in Harry Potter until I believe the third book (let me know in the comments below if I’m wrong here), but above all other movie-showing treats, that the was the one I was hell bent to make.

As the movie night got closer I started poking around Pinterest for the butter beer recipe I was going to use, but the healthy mom in me couldn’t put aside the fact that most of the butter beer recipes made my pulse race just reading them.

I couldn’t do it.

But then I found a recipe from that I could get excited about, and honestly, I already had most of it in my pantry.

Since I have never been to Universals Harry Potter world (again, not a Harry Potter fan) I had no idea whether this recipe was hitting the mark or not (in all actuality, we’re all really guessing here aren’t we?). But I had my mom try a sip of the drink while I was cooking it and her eyes lit up and she said it tasted right on (score, healthy ingredients and still hitting the mark!).

When I passed out the cups of hot butterscotchy goodness, I heard lots of “mmmm’s” from all ages alike. Not to mention, my husband asked for me to make it again a couple days later where we added a touch of coffee to it to make a delicious butterscotch latte.

the kids love it so much!

Health-Giving Hot Harry Potter Butter Beer

You’ll need:

  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) grass-fed butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar
  • 5 cups raw milk (or dairy-free option)
  • 1/2 t cinnamon
  • 1 T vanilla
  • 1 scoop grass-fed collagen (per serving)


  • Over medium heat, melt butter in pot until bubbling. When bubbling, add in coconut sugar and whisk. Continue whisking until is completely combined and begins to make a caramel-ish consistency.
  • Slowly pour in milk (I poured in a drizzle at first because it will splatter and burn the shit out of you). Continue to slowly pour in milk while stirring. Do not bring milk to a boil, but pull it from the heat when it is steaming.
  • Stir in vanilla and cinnamon.
  • Add collagen (3-4 scoops for this recipe), stir and serve right away.

Enjoy this healthy hot butter beer recipe while watching Harry Potter. Or maybe try adding a splash of coffee to make a latte for a cold morning when the snow is falling, or a splash of rum to make it boozy while sitting next to a fire this winter.

*and for the record, I finally made it all the way through the Harry Potter movie (at least the first one). It only took me making a huge production of it for my kid to get me there… but I finally did.

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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