12 Free Acts of Self-Care for the Overwhelmed Mom

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Being a mom is one of the best roles a woman can ever be given. It can leave even the toughest of us weepy eyed in a puddle of love and gratitude.

But it also can be the hardest, and most over the top overwhelming at times. And guess what? It’s okay to admit that. You’re not alone, sister.

So what is a girl to do? You’re over there trying to save money and live within your budget…and your stinking budget won’t give you the space to go get a pedicure or hot stone massage every other day. Rude!

I have you covered. Here are 12 free acts of self-care for you on those most overwhelmed of days, mama.

1. Nap

I am a firm believer in naps. To be perfectly honest, I try to take one each and every day. I make a point to have my 5 year old do some “quiet time” in his room for an hour each day while my toddler naps so that I can flop myself onto my bed, and set my timer for a 20 minute nap.

This is profoundly important for me if I want to be the best version of myself for the second half of the day.

Now in complete transparency, I’m about to have our third child in the next couple weeks, so who knows what exactly my nap situation will look like once we throw this little one into the mix…but you can bet I will do my best to make it happen.

Fun bonus fact: have you heard of the “coffee nap”? Supposedly you drink a cup of coffee, and then go take a 20 minute nap, and by the time you wake up the caffeine kicks in and you are ready to take on the world.

You’re welcome.

2. Long Shower

My absolute favorite. Is there anything that feels quite as delicious as taking a long hot shower at the end of a long day? If I’ve had a particularly hard day, I like to turn off the overhead light and light a few candles and put them on the shelves of my shower.

Balm for the soul, I tell you.

3. Walk and Talk in Nature

Before we moved into our house that we live in now, we lived in a condo about 30 minutes away. The best part about this condo was that across the street was a massive wooded reserve that no one else in the world seemed to ever visit.

On particularly hard days, I would tell my husband I was going for a walk through the reserve… and I would literally pray out loud.

I would talk to God about all the shit going on in my life, and wrestle with big life questions…out loud. And it was magical for me.

Find a place that you can be in nature, but you’re free to pray, think, talk, sing, cry…whatever it takes…out loud.

4. Call a Friend

I’ll admit that I’m not great with the phone. I get all weird and nervous when I need to talk on the phone…it kind of stresses me out. But there are a few friends who I know I can call up and can absolutely count on amazing conversation and loads of laughs.

Call a friend who you have an uncomplicated relationship with, who makes it feel easy, who you don’t feel judged by when you need to confess…and most importantly, who makes you laugh.

5. Read a Fun Fiction Book

This one is especially for my non-fiction junkies, like myself. Put aside the non-fiction for a few days, and dive head first into a fiction book that let’s you lose yourself completely.

It does not need to be profound…or even well written. Find a story that entertains you, helps you shut off your brain, and allows your to escape to another place for just a few minutes a day.

6. Unfollow People Who Bug You on Social Media

This is a big one. Please hear me when I say this…

You get to choose what influence and information goes into your heart and mind.

If someone who you follow on social media makes you feel anything other than something positive, unfollow that shit. You do not need that in your life.

You are enough…and no one should ever be allowed to make you feel like you are anything less than that.

Plus…for the record, no one can actually MAKE you feel anything…you are in full control of your boat, sweet friend. So take control of the wheel, and unfollow, unfollow, unfollow.

7. Workout

In the beginning of my relationship with my husband, anytime I started to get super grumpy or overwhelmed, he would ask me the most infuriating question of all time…

“when is the last time you worked out?”

Ugh. Wrong thing to ask…bro!

But much to my annoyance, he was absolutely right. I can get caught in a cloud of grey and grump…and a simple workout can clear away the clouds and allow me to see life for what it is again.

So get outside for a brisk walk, go to a Crossfit or spin class, go for a run or do whatever moves you! Life always looks sweeter on the other side of a good workout.

8. Take a Long Bath While Listening to a Good Podcast

Although I currently don’t do this one very often…I fantasize about it deeply.

We currently have a way too shallow tub for this to be enjoyable for me. However, that has not stopped me from trying. Although, let me paint an entertaining picture for you to help you understand why it’s less than ideal for me right now…

Super shallow tub, massively round 37 week pregnant belly, unable to lay down, and at least 2/3 of my body is not submerged in water…

…not what I have in mind here.

If you are one of the lucky ones with a tub that you are able to snuggle down under the water…this one’s for you.

Light some candles, pick a fun podcast (maybe a good mystery?), pour some epsom salts in the water with a few drops of your favorite relaxing essential oils, and float away to blissdom.

9. Journal

Somedays you just need to burn off some major steam, and ripping across the pages of a journal can be incredibly cathartic.

But don’t only write in your journal when you need to gripe (I’ve had periods of my life where this has been the case, and those journals are not all that fun to read back on).

Try a gratitude journal! At the end of everyday, write a minimum of 3 things that you are grateful for from that day. (hint: there is always something!)

Bonus: the more you do this exercise, the more you begin to see all the gifts that you are given each and everyday. Your eyes become gratitude seeking missiles.

10. Make a List

Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night, your mind racing with everything that you need to get done?

Or maybe you just feel like each and everyday feels like you are flying by the seat of your pants, in hopes that you accomplish something (anything!) that needs to get done?

I started a practice of beginning each and everyday making a to-do list while I sit and drink my coffee.

It centers me, and gives me something tangible to go back to (and cross shit off, who doesn’t love that!?) and ground me as to what it is I’m supposed to be focusing on that day.

11. Eat Healthy

Even though the first thing I personally want to eat on days that I am overwhelmed is sugar, sugar, and more sugar…

…I think we can all agree that this does not ever improve one’s situation.

Treat yourself with loving kindness and load up on green veggies, a green smoothie, and balanced meals of healthy protein, fat and veggies.

Related article: How to Create a Weekly Meal Plan

12. Ask for Help

On the days that my husband is home in the morning, he has recently been bringing me a coffee into our bedroom so that I could sit and read over coffee in complete silence before entering the chaos that is my 6am household.

Yes, I married a dream boat…I know.

But he knows, because I told him, that my brain literally hurts in the morning and that a million questions and requests first thing out of the gates makes me a very stressed, overwhelmed mama.

So that short 20 minutes of quiet time between when I climb out from under my covers, to when I walk downstairs and greet my sweet family is all it takes for me to transform my outlook on the day.

Whether you need to ask a friend to watch your kids so you can go grocery shop alone, take your kids to the YMCA so you can get in a workout (or heck, just go sit and read!), or you ask your hubby for a few minutes in the morning to sip your cup of coffee in peace…

…it’s important to know yourself and ask for help so that you can show up as the best version of yourself to those little people in your life who need that.

What is your favorite free way to show yourself love with self-care?

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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