round here lately

Happy Anniversary Sweetie…Please Pass Me the Puke Pot

I did not under any circumstance think I would be taking the time to write a blog post today… it is, after all, my husband and my 11th wedding anniversary. Luckily, we had the opportunity to steal away to Boston a couple of weeks ago and celebrate then… …because today...

Round Here Lately- birth stories, pee stories, and more…

A whole lot has been going on lately… I’ll be honest, I’ve been feeling a little more than I would care to admit that I am just spinning and on some kind of treadmill where the belt is going too fast for me to keep up with. Do you ever...

Round Here Lately…

The biggest news we have deserves its very own space on this weekly post… We added another little soul to our family… …and he is all black, with floppy ears, and was quite possibly the best Valentines Day present we’ve had in a long time. Nick and I have been...

Round Here Lately…

Here’s what we’ve been up to this last week with a few updates.. Saved $700 on groceries I started writing in this post about the amazing finds we found at a local salvage market, and it ended up turning into an entire post. You can read it here… But let...

Round Here Lately…

I’ve been feeling so lazy lately. Maybe it’s the cold weather, maybe it’s the lack of alone time that drains this introvert by the end of the day. Maybe it’s the fact that we just moved across the country and have been busy learning how to plow a driveway properly,...