intentional living

Add More Hygge to Your Home This Fall

In this episode, we are kicking off Sammy’s favorite season, fall, with one of Jen’s favorite topics – HYGGE! What the heck is hygge, you may ask? Hygge is defined as ‘a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment and wellbeing’ by Oxford Languages, but...

Intentional Living: Where to Start (part 2)

In this episode, we are talking about Intentional Living! Have you been curious about sustainable/intentional/regenerative lifestyles? So have we! We’re going to share our WHYs for even getting into this world in the first place, discuss our experiences (both positive AND negative), and wrap up with ‘our’ most valuable intentional...

Intentional Living: Where to Start?

In this episode, we are talking about Intentional Living! Have you been curious about sustainable/intentional/regenerative lifestyles? So have we! We’re going to share our WHYs for even getting into this world in the first place, discuss our experiences (both positive AND negative), and wrap up with ‘our’ most valuable intentional...

keeping up with the jones millennial pioneers podcast

Keeping Up with the Jones’ | Episode 5

In this episode, we are diving into the perennial struggle with the desire of “keeping up with the Jones”. We’ll share our stories, our struggles, and ask some questions about what is really important. Find us on iTunes, Spotify, Audible, iHeartRadio, and more “Comparison is the thief of joy” Theodore Roosevelt Well comparison can...

Deep Gratitude

We woke up to half a foot of fresh fallen snow this morning, with no signs of it stopping. I had plans to go for a walk and talk to a dear friend, but without snowshoes, the paths through the back woods would be hard work to trudge through. But...