Round Here Lately… We have one less floor pooper…

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Potty Training Update…

Can I just cheers you through the screen right now?! Friend, I think I can confidently say that Dane is officially day potty trained. I cannot begin to express the amount of excitement I have around this. That means we are officially out of diapers (during the day). And while this in some ways makes me a little sad to think we won’t have another in diapers, ever… I have been so ready. We have been changing diapers for almost 9 years!!!

*I’m crunking right now with joy*

Oh my lord, I just looked up the definition of “crunking” and I am dying. It states: 1. A type of dance that involves a kind of air humping that is accompanied by rapid arm movements and jumping.

I mean, that’s sort of true.

Moving on…

Ayla got her ears pierced for her 5th birthday.

Part of her birthday gift this year, was giving her the option to pierce her ears. If she didn’t want to, we were going to get our nails done. But after much going back and forth, she decided she wanted to make the big move.

Until we got there.

She was all kinds of scared, and we were in full on supporting mode right there in the middle of the Maine Mall.

Of course we kept telling her, you don’t have to do this. We offered to walk away and come back and let her later decide.

But each time we moved away from the vicinity of Claires, she would burst further into tears with outreached arms toward the piercing chair.

The struggle was real. And oh man, could I relate.

She was scared to hell, but knew it was something she wanted to do.

But we let her have her space, we finally convinced her to go for a little walk with us…and within just a few stores, she was ready.

I was SO proud of her. She sat in that chair, taking deep breaths through her nose, holding my hands. And that girl took it like a champ! She learned such a big life lesson that day… she faced her fears and did it anyway. Not for anyone else, for her.

I’m sure the bling helped a bit 🙂

Puppy Casts…

Ugh. This one sucks to tell…but it’s been a big part of our week.

When we were up in Caribou a couple of weeks ago, on the way home I went to put Beau back into his crate to drive back home (as per the suggestion of the vet) and his little paw got caught under one of the metal bars. Once I realized he was caught, I went to pull his paw back out and he recoiled and launched himself backward.

My stomach lurched. I knew it wasn’t good.

For the next few days he was favoring his paw, limping. So we planned on calling the vet on Monday. But then it started to get better…like a lot better. The limping was pretty much gone.

But I decided to call the vet anyway just to get it checked…in case.

Nick took him on Monday… and this is how he came home.

Is that not one of the sadder things you’ve seen? 🙁

Poor buddy, he gets dumped on the side of the road in Texas…travels to New Hampshire…all his brothers and sisters get adopted but him…get adopted by strangers, needs to learn to pee outside in the cold winter snow…breaks his toe…needs to wear the cone of shame and learn to walk with a cast…

Its all too much.

But he’s adapting really well…and honestly, he’s really settling into our home so well, and he’s becoming more and more full of energy and seems so happy. So, he’ll heal from this, and this will be behind us…

…but poor buddy, what an entrance into the world…

I want to be this woman when I grow up

I know, I know…if you are anything like my husband, your response will be…this picture says nothing about this woman besides how she dresses…

But doesn’t that say soooooooo much?

She’s cool as hell! And obviously doesn’t give a f*ck. Goals.

My husband also did point out that she is able to sit on the floor…so that also says a lot about her. (if you’re like, what are you talking about? My husband is a chiropractor and so many people this womans age CANNOT sit on the floor or get up afterward, so yes, this picture says loads about this woman).

Posture Coach

Speaking of my sweet husband… if you want to spend a few bucks, my husband has as an online program that could save you from a lot of pain. Here’s what he says about Posture Coach:

Are you stuck working behind an electronic device (desktop, laptop, cell phone, tablet…etc) and you’re feeling it?!

Stiffness in your neck and shoulders, lower back, knees, hips, headaches…etc and you know it is related to your working posture but you just don’t know what exactly to do about it?

If this is you, and you want to learn exactly what to change and how to change it to reduce the stress going into your body, breaking you down, this program is for you.

Over the last 15 years I have helped thousands of clients improve their body/posture awareness, habits and understanding of how posture and small lifestyle modifications can improve how they feel and their health!

In under 5 minutes of your time plus access to a digital camera you can have a professional assessment of your workstation with specific and personalized feedback that will bring clarity, reduce stress and change your life!

I’ve been a weepy, grateful mess…

I’ll be honest, adding a podcast on top of a list of to-dos that already put me in a constant state of paralysis and overwhelm, definitely may have been a crazy move…

…but it has added SO MUCH JOY to my week. And the high from recording with my bestest buddy each week drags on throughout the whole week.

I feel like I laugh more again. The harder edges that have been building up due to overwhelm and stress are melting away…and I’m fucking love it.

Then in addition to all that amazing goodness that would be there if zero people listened to it, is the abundant flow of texts, comments, messages and reviews that are coming in on how others are laughing from it and finding joy in the episodes…

…and this is feeding my soul in the biggest, craziest way possible.

So, while I now need to sit and figure out, like a big ole game of Tetris, how I’m going to fit all of this into my few work hours each week…

…it’s become a non-negotiable due to the insane amount of joy it is bringing me…and how that joy is literally spilling over into my life in every single way.

So grateful.

New Skills…

It has snowed SO much this week. 3 of the days this week were full on storms. One of the days we needed to clean the driveway 3 times.

But I’ve taken up a new hobby and I’m pretty jazzed about it.

Snow blowing.

I feel like a powerful beast goddess manhandling that thing.

No, just me?

That’s it for this week! What’s been new with you? Hit reply and say hi!

Sharing is caring!


Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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