Millennial Spirituality Today | Episode 7

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In this episode, we are talking about Millennial SPIRITUALITY! First, we’ll take a look at some interesting stats about Americans and their religions (or lack thereof). Then we will dive deep into a heartfelt and vulnerable discussion about our past and present relationships with spirituality, religion, and faith.

Man, this felt like a hard episode to do. Both Sammy and I don’t like being “outsiders”, and to be honest, in this current world, whatever stance you find yourself taking, you are just never going to be “enough” for someone else.

I was worried about being too Christian for some, and not enough for others… Sammy was worried about being judged on her current stance on religion and spirituality. And what I come to on that is… we’ll never make everyone happy… and the hope is that just one person who listens to this, feels seen…and if that one person is feeling something missing, that they feel encouraged to just open up a dialogue with God (or greater power, if that word makes you uncomfortable).

…And most importantly, that it can be messy, and imperfect… because in all honesty, what meaningful relationships AREN’T messy and imperfect?

I hope this episode, which was truly incredibly vulnerable for both of us to record, finds you well.

Much love,

Jen and Sammy

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In this episode we’ll cover:

  • Religion vs. Spirituality – Pew Research Stats, our own perspectives
  • Our own stories on spirituality and religion- our personal journeys and where we are today
  • Our frustrations with religion and what kept us from jumping into religions before
  • What “seeking” looked like to us
  • Our favorite show right now :-p

Resources mentioned in “Millennial Spirituality”

Connect with us:

Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

Sammy Davis website coming soon!

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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