Dr. Nicholas Araza on Chiropractic | Ep. 12

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dr. nicholas araza chiropractor

In this episode of the Millennial Pioneer Podcast we get to interview Dr. Nicholas Araza (Jen’s super handsome hubby) on the topic of chiropractic. Dr. Nick is so passionate about chiropractic and giving his patients freedom. Freedom to move their bodies, freedom to reach their health goals, freedom to play with their kids/grandkids, etc.

In this episode we dive deep into all the questions you may have about chiropractic as someone curious about what exactly chiropractors do, and why it is super important for your health journey.

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Here are a few things we go over in this episode:

  • What led Dr. Nick to want to become a chiropractor
  • What is chiropractic? What does a chiropractor do?
  • How is chiropractic different from the mainstream health model?
  • Do the two models work together?
  • Who can benefit from chiropractic?
  • Sammy and Jen share alittle about their experiences with chiropractic
  • How does Dr. Nick see chiropractic fitting into people’s health journey?
  • If someone is curious about chiropractic, what should they look for when trying to find a practitioner?
  • How to work with Dr. Nick no matter where you live!
  • Weird things that happen to the body after getting adjusted (ha!)

Resources in this episode: Chiropractic w/ Dr. Nicholas Araza:

Connect with us:

Jennifer Araza blog | newsletter

Sammy Davis website | email 

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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