what I’m loving right now…

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I have a feeling that these next three months are going to be excruciatingly long.

I’m due to have our third baby just before Christmas, and for the last month people have already started asking me when I’m going to have this baby anyway. My response of “Christmas” is often met with a look of surprise…and often also paired with a scrunched face and a “really???”.

I mean…what am I supposed to do with that? Anyone have any witty {but not total jerk} comebacks to these kinds of responses?

Although I have been feeling months more pregnant than I actually am, and apparently the size of my growing belly matches my feelings…here are a few of my favorite things getting me through…

Things I’m loving right now:

  • This show. Seriously, I found out that season 3 came out just a few days into September, and it took me all of two weeks to burn through it. The characters are women you want to know, the drama is rich and the comedy is painfully real. Love, love, love.
  • Even though it’s becoming more challenging to bend over to tie my shoes, these shoes are my saving grace right now. My feet have literally grown a half size in the last two months and are nothing short of bursting out of my sneakers. These shoes are comfortable enough to walk for miles in. Can someone tell me why I have never broken down to buy Birkenstocks until now?
  • Anyone who knows me knows that I have a serious book reading habit. And how this lovely mind of mine works is I tend to hyperfocus on a particular topic for a short-ish period of time, diving as deeply as I can into it to learn everything there is to learn. Then…I move on. There are topics, however, that I revisit year after year…and the topic of french culture is one of those beloved niches. I recently finished this book after wanting to read it for 5 years. How I never actually got around to it until now befuddles me…but it’s done, and I would highly, highly recommend it.
  • My go to podcast. This one I never get far away from for more than a couple weeks.
  • Long walks…and compression socks. It’s been way too hot to wear compression socks, to be honest, but my pregnancy legs don’t really give a shit.
  • Pumpkin spice coffee. Yes I know it is not even technically fall…but Trader Joe’s says it’s okay (because they’re selling it), so I’m going to run with it. I love TJ’s pumpkin spice coffee because it doesn’t have any fake pumpkin flavors in it…just coffee and spice. And since I have included my morning pumpkin spice coffee in every single daily gratitude list…I thought maybe I should mention it here, too :-p.
  • Cheese. Just…cheese.

What are you grateful for today?



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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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