Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Spelt Muffins

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Even though it has consistently been 95-103 degrees here in southern California for the last week, I refuse to pretend like it is not “officially” fall season.

So to me, that “officially” means pumpkin everything. Yes, I am one of those damn people.

As in, I am already on my second canister of Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Spice coffee and it has only been two full days of “fall”… I may have jumped the gun.

And while I only feel “eh” about actual pumpkin pie, I love pumpkin in all the things. Pumpkin bread, pumpkin coffee, pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin cookies…etc.

Last weekend I woke up on Saturday morning with an uncontrollable itch to bake something with pumpkin (you see, it wasn’t even fall yet…”officially”). I also wanted to use some of the spelt flour I had in my pantry. So off to Google I went for some wisdom and guidance…

At the top of the page was my absolute favorite gal for all my baking needs, Cookie + Kate. I have made a bundles worth of her recipes and I have yet to meet one in which I even only feel “meh” about. I have loved them all.

Bennett was itching to put on his chef hat that morning, as well. So I decided to shelf my uptight self (that I didn’t know was in there until I had children) and handed over the proverbial reins to him.

Ayla really wanted me to let her in on the action too…but I’m guessing you can piece together why I left her out of it…just this time :-p

I measured everything out, while Bennett poured and mixed to his heart’s delight. He totally crushed it, and was beaming with pride.

Here is the muffins moments before popping them in the oven.

After putting them in the oven, Ayla screamed…literally screamed, for the next 25 minutes that it took for them to bake. All the way up until the moment I placed one, loaded with butter, in front of her.

It was the exact calm, peaceful Saturday morning I had envisioned. HA!

Here they are, hot out of the oven. This is the angle Nick felt they looked the best from, I have to agree…

And here is the sweet chef himself, with all his sweet beaming pride…

So there you have it, my Saturday morning (slightly pre-fall) pumpkin chocolate chip muffins with the help of my girl, Cookie + Kate. and sweet boy, Bennett.

Here is the link to her Healthy Pumpkin Muffins

Here is how we slightly modified our own:

  • per her suggested add-in I added chocolate chips…because what is pumpkin without it’s good friend chocolate chip? Plus, I’m not sure my children would allow me to make pumpkin muffins without them if we’re being honest. And I’m not going to act like I would try to stop them…
  • I only had half of the maple syrup I needed on hand. So I rolled with it. I felt with the addition of chocolate chips it was plenty sweet enough. We are a household of a bunch of sugar sensitive folk around here. Usually, a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin would leave me feeling manic with a side of anxiety. This was the perfect amount of sweet.
  • I used spelt flour instead of whole wheat flour. That’s what I had, and it was delicious. It was a little heartier perhaps, and a touch nuttier.
  • I omitted the optional turbinado sugar on top.

Please go to her actual page for the recipe as she does an amazing job of not only laying out the recipe for you, but adding all the optional modifications, and tips for making them the best they can be. As I said, I love her site and she always makes delicious, well thought out recipes. Again…

Here is Cookie + Kate’s Healthy Pumpkin Muffins

*also, I have been asked twice in the last two days alone where I got these awesome silicone muffin cups. Amazon, of course. They are wonderful because they are reusable, so less waste…AND, the muffin comes out perfectly every single time, so you get to eat the whole muffin and not have to eat the paper like my kids try to do…

What is your favorite fall treat? I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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Jen currently lives in beautiful Santa Barbara wine country with her favorite chiropractor, and three beautiful babies. A writer, a joy-seeker, a bookworm, and a self-proclaimed personal development junkie. She thrives on watching others become the brightest version of themselves through intentional living!

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